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Altar to Transitus from Sárkeszi

This is one of the altars erected by Septimius Valentinus, in this case, to the transitus of Mithras.
Altar to Transitus from Sárkeszi

Altar to Transitus from Sárkeszi
F. und O. Harl, Ubi Erat Lupa 

The New Mithraeum
9 Jan 2024

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This limestone artefact has a partially damaged cornice decorated with two acroteria. Both the cornice and the base are decorated.

The engraved inscription reads: "Tra(n)sit[u D(ei)] / Sep(timius) Va/lenti/nus / opt(io)".

The piece dates from the first third of the 3rd century AD and measures 48 x 14.5 x 15.7 cm.

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