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I'm am a retired administrativee lawyer who worked for the state of Ohio.
Stockstadt mithraeum is not located at Saalsburg Kastell. Stockstadt is at least 30 Kilometers from Saalburg to the southeast. Stockstadt had its own fort (kastell) on the Limes. I wrote an article on Stockstadt fot Our Common Sun about ten years ago. I have been to Stockstadt and there is an excellent museum there.
Workman digging in a field near Dormagen found a vault. Against one of the walls were found two monuments related to Mithras.
Since 1826, four mithraea have been found at Nida-Heddernheim.
While there were many mithraea located at the forts on the Limes, there was not one at the Saalburg. A model mithraeum was built there at the time of the reconstruction of the Kastell Saalburg fort in the early 1900s, but this was done in the mistaken belief that the ruins of a building found near a Roman graveyard was a mithraeum.
However, the Saalburg Kastell's museum does have an excellent exhibit of Mithraic finds from other Roman forts along the Wetterau Limes, including several large tauroctonies. Presently, there is a large display of Mithraic artifacts and art at the museum entitled Mysterium Mithras-ein antiker Geheimkult im Spiegel von Archäologie und Kunst. The exhibit also features the art of Frankfurt painter Farangis G. Yegane who has had several major exhibits at German museums since the 1990s. Yegane art is an excellent modern day tribute to the Mithraic spirit. The current exhibit at Saalburg is scheduled from 27 August 2011 to 22 January 2012.
Der rät...
Workman digging in a field near Dormagen found a vault. Against one of the walls were found two monuments related to Mithras.
Since 1826, four mithraea have been found at Nida-Heddernheim.
I'm am a retired administrativee lawyer who worked for the state of Ohio.