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An imperial slave and customs officer in Illyria, he built a temple to Mithras in Moesia.

  • EDCS 

of Ision



Inscription of Ision from Guberevac

TNMM 639

In this monument, the imperial slave Ision claims the completion of a new temple to Mithras in Moesia.

Invicto deo / Ision Caes(aris) n(ostri) ser(vus) / vil(icus) vectigal(is) Il/lyr(ici) templ(um) omn(i) / re instruct(um) a / solo p(ecunia) s(ua) f(aciendum) c(uravit)
To the invincible god, Ision, a slave of our emperor and steward of the taxes of Illyricum, saw to it that the temple, complete with all its furnishings, was built from the ground up at his own expense.



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