A comrade of Charitinus, he was a freedman who consecrated an altar to Mithras for the emperors Philip the Arab and Otacilia Severa.
of Sabinianus
TNMP 229
Two Imperial freedmen, Charitinus and Sabinianus, who consecrated an altar to Mithras for the safety and victory of the Emperors were employed respectively as subprocurator, that is the vice manager of the Imperial patrimony, and as adiutor tabulariorum, that is an assistant employed in the same office.
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar of Poreč in EDCS
- Vittoria Canciani (2022) Archaeological Evidence of the Cult of Mithras in Ancient Italy
Altar of Poreč
TNMM 660
This stone altar found in Poreč was dedicated by two freedmen to the numen and majesty of the emperors Philip the Arab and Otacilia Severa.
D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / pro salute et / victoria s(acratissimorum) d(ominorum) n(ostrorum) / Philipporum Aug(ustorum) / et Otaciliae Severe Aug(ustae) / Charitinus I(ibertus) s(ub)proc(urator) / et Sabinianus I(ibertus) ad/iut(or) tab(ulariorum) / d(evoti) n(umini) m(aiestati)q(ue) e(orum).
To the god Sol, invincible Mithras, for the safety and the victory of our most sacred lords, the two emperors Philip and of Otacilia Severa. Charitinus, freedman and steward of the imperial patrimony, and Sabinianus, freedman and assistant, dedicated to the numen and the majesty of the emperors.
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