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Gaius Celsinius Matutinus

Veteran of the Legio VIII Augusta

  • Mithras Weihinschrift Koenigshoffen

    Mithras Weihinschrift Koenigshoffen
    Wolfgang Sauber 

  • Plan du Mithréum de Strasboug

    Plan du Mithréum de Strasboug

of Gaius Celsinius Matutinus



Dedication inscription from Koenigshoffen Mithraeum

TNMM 253

The inscription reports the restoration of the coloured painting of the main relief of the Mithraeum by a veteran of the Legio VIII Augusta.

In h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) deo Invic/to M(ithrae) C(aius) Celsinius / Matutinus veter(anus) / leg(ionis) VIII Aug(ustae) Alexan/drianae typum / de suo repinx(it)
In honour of the divine house, to the invincible god Mithras. Caius Celsinius Matutinus, veteran of legio VIII Augusta [Alexandriana], repainted this relief at his own expense.

Mithréum of Strasbourg

TNMM 217

Lors de la construction de l’église Saint-Paul en 1911, un mithraeum a été mis au jour à Königshoffen, vicus gallo-romain situé aux abords du camp légionnaire de Strasbourg-Argentorate.



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