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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 50 results.

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctonia de Walbrook

    The image of Mithras killing the bull, found near Walbrook, is surrounded by a Zoadiac circle.

    TNMM120 – CIMRM 810, 811

    Ulpius Silvanus / factis Arausione / emeritus leg(ionis) II aug(ustae) / votum solvit.
  • Monumentum

    Dionysus group marble of London

    Marble group of Dionysus accompanied by a Silenus on a donkey, a satyr and a menead.

    TNMM195 – CIMRM 822, 823

    Hominibus bagis bitam.
  • Monumentum

    Mithras head of Walbrook

    The Mithras's head of Walbrook probable belonged to a life-size scene of the god scarifying the bull.

    TNMM122 – CIMRM 815

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Caernarfon

    The Mithraeum of Caernarfon, in Walles, was built in three phases during the 3rd century, and destroyed at the end of the 4th.

    TNMM77 – CIMRM 2374

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Mérida from Quintio

    This altar, which has now disappeared, was dedicated by the slave Quintio for the health of a certain Coutius Lupus.

    TNMM520 – CIMRM 794

    Inuicto Deo / Quintio Flaui / Baetici Conim/brig(ensis) ser(uus) / pro sa(lute) Coutii Lupi
  • Syndexios

    Ulpius Silvanus

    Soldier recruited in Arausio (Orange), emeritus of the Legion II Augusta.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Housesteads

    The Housesteads Mithraeum is an underground temple, now burried, discovered in 1822 in a slope of the Chapel Hill, outside of the Roman Fort at the Hadrian's Wall.

    TNMM309 – CIMRM 852

  • Monumentum

    Feast scene with Mithras and Sol from Ladenburg

    A naked Sol leans over his fellow Mithras while raising his drinking-horn during the sacred feast.


  • Monumentum

    Serapis head of Walbrook

    The head of Serapis found at Walbrook, London, is decorated with stylised olive branches.

    TNMM121 – CIMRM 818

  • Monumentum

    Castor-vase of St Albans

    The St Albans mithraic vase depicts fragments of three figures identified by Vermaseren as Hercules, Mercury and Mithras as an archer.

    TNMM337 – CIMRM 828