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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 3 results.

  • Monumentum

    Inscription by Aurelius Rufinus of Andros

    This inscription reveals the existence of a Mithraeum on the island of Andros, Greece, which has not yet been found.

    TNMM624 – CIMRM 2350

    Pro salute imp(eratoris) Caesari(s) / L(uci) Septimi Severi et M(arci) Aur(eli) Antonini / Aug(ustorum) et P(ubli) Septimi Gaetae Caesari(s) / M(arcus) Aur(elius) Rufinus evocatus Aug(ustorum) n(ostro…
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Plovdiv

    This Mithraic relief of the Danubian type was found in 1940 in the old town of Plovdiv.

    TNMM632 – CIMRM 2338

  • Locus


    Plovdiv is the second-largest city in Bulgaria, standing on the banks of the Maritsa river in the historical region of Thrace, behind the state capital Sofia.