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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 11 results.

  • Locus


    Vienna was the capital of the Allobroges, a Gallic people, until it was conquered by the Romans in 47 BC. It became a Roman provincial capital, conveniently located on the Rhône, then a major communication route.
  • Monumentum

    Aion of Arles

    The Aion of Arles includes nine signs of the zodiac in three groups of three, between the spirals of the serpent.

    TNMM148 – CIMRM 879

  • Monumentum

    Aion of Vienne

    The relief of Aion from Vienne includes a naked youth in Phrygian cap holding the reins of a horse.

    TNMM265 – CIMRM 902

  • Liber

    The Cult of Mithras in the Roman Provinces of Gaul (1974)

    On ne saurait qu'applaudir à l'idée qu'a eue V. J. Walters de faire le point des découvertes mithriaques en Gaule romaine. Son projet reste dominé par le découpage administratif des « Roman provinces of Gaul ». Mais compte tenu de l'ensemble que ce…
  • Liber

    La Sagesse des Chaldéens. Les Oracles chaldaïques (2007)

    Originaires de Babylone, où naquit l'astrologie, les prêtres chaldéens étaient, dans le monde antique, craints et respectés pour leurs connaissances magiques et divinatoires. Leurs pouvoirs miraculeux et leur capacité de dialoguer directement avec l…
  • Monumentum

    Torchbearer of Porta Portese

    This is one of the two torchbearers, probably Cautes, transformed into Paris, now in the British Museum.

    TNMM132 – CIMRM 506

  • Mithraeum

    Mithréum de Valromey

    This temple of Mithras has been discovered under the Church in Vieux-en-Val-Romey, in 1869.

    TNMM295 – CIMRM 909, 910

  • Mithraeum

    Mithréum de Vienne

    Emperor Julian may have been initiated into the cult of the god Mithras at the Mithraeum of Vienne, France, according to Turcan.

    TNMM293 – CIMRM 901, 902

    Deo Cau/te
  • Monumentum

    Aion relief of Mitreo Fagan

    This white marble relief depicting a lion-headed figure from Ostia is now exposed at the Musei Vaticani.

    TNMM440 – CIMRM 314, 315

    C. Valerius Heracles pat[e]r e[t] an[tis]/tes dei iu[b]enis inconrupti So[l]is invicti Mithra[e / c]ryptam palati concessa[m] sibi a M. Aurelio / ---.
  • Monumentum

    Portable tauroctony of Vienna

    This small white marble relief of Mithras as a bullkiller was found in the Botanical Gardens of Vienna in 1950.

    TNMM724 – CIMRM 1650