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Acta diurna

Daily Gazette

Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.

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Feb 2024

Owner of and the Mithras and Mithraeum discussion lists on Co-founder of Nova Roma and the founder of Byzantium Novum.

Welcome to your grotto, Marcus!
Feb 2024

Dans les coulisses de l’exposition « Le mystère Mithra. Plongée au cœur d’un culte romain »

Découvrez les coulisses de la réalisation et du montage de l’exposition « Le mystère Mithra. Plongée au cœur d’un culte romain ».

Feb 2024

Mithra dans les provinces occidentales de l’Empire romain : rencontre avec Philippe Roy

Philippe Roy, docteur en Sciences de l’Antiquité, présente dans cette vidéo la réception du culte de Mithra dans les provinces occidentales de l’Empire romain.

Feb 2024

Peter Mark Adams, Mithras and the Renaissance

For the launch of our YouTube channel, we chat with the author, poet, essayist and friend Peter Mark Adams about the Sola-Busca Tarot, a Renaissance masterpiece, uncovering ties to the Mithras cult.

Feb 2024

آیین مهر – فراتر از ایران : مستندی ویژه یلدا

شب چله یا شب یلدا طولانی شب سال رازی را در خود پنهان داشته . در فرهنگ و تاریخ ایران باستان ، این شب تولد ایزد مهر و خورشید است چرا که از صبح روز اول دی روزها طولانی تر شده و روشنایی بر تاریکی پیروز میشود.

Feb 2024

The 24th annual MithraCon has been announced! It will be held in New Haven Connecticut from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th April 2024.

MithraCon, or the New England Convention of Mithraic Studies, is a small informal conference focused on the study and exchange of information about the ancient mysteries of Mithras (and some other classical world topics), held each year on the campus of Yale University.

More information coming soon.

Find out more at their official website:

Feb 2024


Jan 2024

Hi, I’m a newly converted Greco-Roman pagan who’s deeply interested in Mithraism. Have no idea if I’m in the right place though!

Welcome Veronica 💫
Dear Veronica, as a woman you cannot attend the ceremonies in the mithraeum. But you can help prepare the feast. You also have a soul, like the slaves. You can therefore hope to ascend to the heavens through the solar cycle, and you will be admitted into Capricorn at the winter solstice. Then your soul will be beautified and purified for six months and it will come out into Gemini and escape from earthly influence to ascend among the gods and goddesses. But if your soul has led an impure life, if you have lacked fervor and courage, if you have not endured your condition and if you have been selfish or dishonest, then you will ascend to the sky towards Saturn, then towards the Moon where you will be prepared to return to Earth. In cancer your soul will be admitted, and you will go down the days. your soul will become heavy and charged with humidity and it will come out on the eve of the winter solstice, in Sagittarius. She wandered among the Manes before integrating a fetus and being reincarnated.
Veronica, I surfed onto your profile and would like to assure you that Mithras welcomes everyone. I frankly know of more women worshiping than men... myself included. Feel free to message me if you would like.
Jan 2024
Jan 2024

I’m new here...

Jan 2024
Jan 2024


Jan 2024
Jan 2024

British doc on Mithras cult

Extract from a documentary about the cult of Mithras.

Jan 2024

Community dedicated to the study, disclosure and reenactment of the Mysteries of Mithras since 2004.

Jan 2024

A chara,
Any chance of an English translation of El Culto de Mitra en Hispania? If all else fails I’ll work my way slowly through it with my diccionario. Meanwhile, I’m struck by some similarities between the Mithraic Mysteries and Irish Druidism, particularly the tairbhfeis roughly translated as the "bull feast" or "bull sleep". The slaughter of a bull was involved. Rites of kingship applied but also when in search of visions, the Druid/Druidess would wrap themselves in a bull hide and sleep within the dark caves of the ancient mounds (built pre Druidic religion). Many of the mounds were constructed to face the sun. The mound at Brugh na Boinne has a ’roof box’ over the entrance which allows for the sun’s rays of the winter solstice to strike the central chamber. O.R.

Jan 2024

I’m a bbazilian history teacher.

Jan 2024

writer, screenwriter, creative in XR (Extended Reality) immersive technology & media.

Jan 2024