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Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.
I am an historian of religions. I currently studies so called "Oriental cults of the Roman Enmpire
meu nome é Edvan Alves de oliveira, atualmente sou estudante de história pela universidade federal de Goiás no Brasil
Such a beautiful stone! Curios about how it was set, in gold, silver or bronze?
Mi spiegate perché mettete dei volti attuali in un sito di archeologia mitra ?
Grazie. Francesca
I have been investigating an archaelogical site in the Northern Shenandoah valley of Virginia. TL and C14 dates from iron smelting materials are circa 150 AD.
Hello, I am new here. How can I contact you privately for the images rights?
If this piece could be added, too, please. At the BM: (G69/dc12) Thanks!
British Museum: Gallery 52, display case 5
British Museum: Gallery 70, display case 14
Hi, I’m a newly converted Greco-Roman pagan who’s deeply interested in Mithraism. Have no idea if I’m in the right place though!
Owner of the Facebook group: Roman Cult of Mithras: His Mysteries, Mithraea and Worship. Owner of the blog: Meals with Mithras
VERY into the subject.