Brothers active in Taunum
Mithraic monuments of Taunum
Cautes and Cautopates of Friedberg
These two reliefs of Cautes and Cautopates where found in the south corner of one of the Mithraea of Friedberg, Hesse.
CIMRM 1055
Altar of Gaius Iulius Crescens of Friedberg for Respectus
This fragmented altar of a certain Caius Iulius Crescens, found in the Mithraeum of Friedberg, bears an inscription to the Mother Goddesses.
CIMRM 1066
Inscriptions of Taunum
D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Cautopati
Cautes and Cautopates of Friedberg
Matron/is / C(aius) Iul(ius) Cresce/nis (sic) pro / Respecto / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
To the Mother Goddesses, Caius Iulius Crescens, for Respectus, has willingly, joyfully and justly fulfilled his vow.
- Bricault; Roy (2021) Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar of Gaius Iulius Crescens of Friedberg for Respectus in EDH
- Hideo Ogowa (1978) Mithraic ladder symbols and the Friedberg Crater
- Kb. Wd. Z. Ges. K. (1897) Ein drittes Mithraeum in Friedberg