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Gaius Iulius Crescens

He devoted an altar to the Mother Goddesses for Respectus, found at the Mithraeum of Friedberg.

  • Fragmented altar from Friedberg

    Fragmented altar from Friedberg

of Gaius Iulius Crescens

TNMP 221

Citizen of Gallic or Germanic origin, Gaius Iulius Crescens erected a sandstone altar, found lying on top of another altar dedicated to Sol invincible and bearing a dedication to the matrons engraved on the capital.



Altar of Gaius Iulius Crescens of Friedberg for Respectus

TNMM 646

This fragmented altar of a certain Caius Iulius Crescens, found in the Mithraeum of Friedberg, bears an inscription to the Mother Goddesses.

Matron/is / C(aius) Iul(ius) Cresce/nis (sic) pro / Respecto / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
To the Mother Goddesses, Caius Iulius Crescens, for Respectus, has willingly, joyfully and justly fulfilled his vow.

Mithräum von Friedberg


There have probably been three mithraea discovered at Friedberg.



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