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Palaiopoli is an ancient city on the west coast of Andros in the Cyclades Islands, Greece, and was the capital of Andros, called Andros, during the Classical period.

Brothers active in Palaiopoli

Mithraic monuments of Palaiopoli


Inscription by Aurelius Rufinus of Andros

This inscription reveals the existence of a Mithraeum on the island of Andros, Greece, which has not yet been found.

CIMRM 2350


Mithraeum of Andros

An inscription by a certain Aurelius Rufinus reveals the existence of a Mithraeum on the island of Andros, but it has not yet been found.

Inscriptions of Palaiopoli

Pro salute imp(eratoris) Caesari(s) / L(uci) Septimi Severi et M(arci) Aur(eli) Antonini / Aug(ustorum) et P(ubli) Septimi Gaetae Caesari(s) / M(arcus) Aur(elius) Rufinus evocatus Aug(ustorum) n(ostrorum) / sancto deo invicto speleum constituit cum / mil(itibus) pr(aetorianis) Fl(avio) Clarino Ael(io) Messio Aur(elio) Iuliano.
For the salvation of the Caesar emperors Lucius Septimius Severus and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustes and Publius Septimius Gaeta Caesar, Marcus Aurelius Rufinus, veteran (evocatus) of our emperors, to the pure invincible god, established the spelaeum, together with the praetorian soldiers Flavius Clarinus, Aelius Messius (and) Aurelius Julianus.

Inscription by Aurelius Rufinus of Andros
