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Marcus Aurelius Rufinus

Roman veteran stationed on the island of Andros, where he built a temple to Mithras.

  • Mithraic inscription of Andros

    Mithraic inscription of Andros

of Marcus Aurelius Rufinus

TNMP 205

Marcus Aurelius Rufinus was a veteran who was probably stationed on the island of Andros for a long time. He dedicated the only known inscription on the island to Mithras, where he claims to have built a mithraeum with his three fellow praetorians, Flavius Clarinus, Aelius Messius and Aurelius Julianus.



Inscription by Aurelius Rufinus of Andros

TNMM 624

This inscription reveals the existence of a Mithraeum on the island of Andros, Greece, which has not yet been found.

Pro salute imp(eratoris) Caesari(s) / L(uci) Septimi Severi et M(arci) Aur(eli) Antonini / Aug(ustorum) et P(ubli) Septimi Gaetae Caesari(s) / M(arcus) Aur(elius) Rufinus evocatus Aug(ustorum) n(ostrorum) / sancto deo invicto speleum constituit cum / mil(itibus) pr(aetorianis) Fl(avio) Clarino Ael(io) Messio Aur(elio) Iuliano.
For the salvation of the Caesar emperors Lucius Septimius Severus and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustes and Publius Septimius Gaeta Caesar, Marcus Aurelius Rufinus, veteran (evocatus) of our emperors, to the pure invincible god, established the spelaeum, together with the praetorian soldiers Flavius Clarinus, Aelius Messius (and) Aurelius Julianus.

Mithraeum of Andros

TNMM 625

An inscription by a certain Aurelius Rufinus reveals the existence of a Mithraeum on the island of Andros, but it has not yet been found.



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