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Municipium Claudium Virunum

Claudium Virunum was a Roman city in the province of Noricum, on today's Zollfeld in the Austrian State of Carinthia.

Mithraic monuments of Virunum


Plaque with the list of worshippers of Virunum

The bronze bears the dedication of a restoration of a Mithraeum carried out in 183.


Mithraeum of Virunum

A bronze plaque records the existence of a mithraeum at Virunum that collapsed and was rebuilt by members of the community.


Inscription of the praeses Aurelius Hermodorus

This marble gives some details of the reconstruction of the Virunum Mithraeum.

CIMRM 1431


Plaque of Milan by Ulbius Gaianus

This monument dedicated to 'Invicto Patrio' was found in Milan in 1869.



Slab of S. Urban by Ursinus

Marble plaque with inscription by a certain Ursinus found in Virunum in 1838.

CIMRM 1443

Inscriptions of Virunum

D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) pro salute imp(eratoris) [[Commodi]] Auglustil pii / qui templum vii conlapsum impendio suo restituerunt / et mortalitat8is) causa convener(unt) / Marullo
et Aeliano coln/s(ulibus) VI k(alendas) lulias.

[There follows, in four columns, a list of 98 names, all masculine, with the first 34 in the same hand.]

Tiberius Claudius Quintilianus ob dedicationem templi tabulam / aeream donum dedit et camaram picturis exornavit.
To the invincible god Mithras, for the well-being of the emperor Commodus Augustus pius, those who restored at their own expense the temple that had collapsed, and who had gathered with mortality as their reason, during the consulship of Marullus and Aelianus, on the 6th day before the kalends of July. […] Tiberius Claudius Quintilianus, on the occasion of the dedication of the temple, offered this bronze plaque as a gift, and decorated the chamber with paintings.

Plaque with the list of worshippers of Virunum

D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) templum vetusta(te) / conlabsum quot (sic) fuit / per annos amplius / L desertum, Aur(elius) / Hermodorus v(ir) p(erfectissimus) pr(aeses) pr(ovinciae) N(orici) / M(edi)t(erranei) a novo restitui fecit. / Quot edificatum est divo / Maximiano VIII et Maximino it(e)r(um) / A(u)gg(ustis) con(sulibus) Quar (tinio) Ursiniano cur (ante).
To the invincible god Mithras. This temple that collapsed because of age, which was abandoned for more than 50 years, Aurelius Hermodorus, a most perfect man, governor of the province of Mediterranean Noricum, restored from scratch. This construction was done during the eighth consulship of the divine Maximianus Augustus and second consulship of Maximinus Augustus, with Quartinius Ursinianus overseeing the work.

Inscription of the praeses Aurelius Hermodorus

Invicto / patrio / Ulb(ius) Gaianus / praef(ectus) vehic(ulorum).

Plaque of Milan by Ulbius Gaianus

Deo invic/to Metras / Ursianus do/num posuet.
To the invincible god Mithras, Ursianus deposited this offering.

Slab of S. Urban by Ursinus


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