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Novae was initially one of the few great Roman legionary fortresses along the empire's border, forming part of the defences along the Danube in northern Bulgaria. It lies about 4 km east of the modern town of Svishtov. The fortress is one of the few

Brothers active in Novae

Mithraic monuments of Novae


Inscription with Cautes and Cautopates of Steklen

An unusual feature of this very ancient relief is that Cautopates carries a cockerel upside down, while Cautes carries it right-side up.

CIMRM 2268

Inscriptions of Novae

Deo / Melichrisus / P. Caragoni / Philopalaestri
Melichrisus (slave of) P. Caragonius Philopalaestrus (in charge of the customs office of the sout shore of Danube) (dedicated) to the god (...).

Inscription with Cautes and Cautopates of Steklen

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