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Rožanec is a settlement north of the town of Črnomelj in the White Carniola area of southeastern Slovenia.

Mithraic monuments of Rodine


Mithraeum of Rožanec

According to Hitzinger remnants of animal bones were found in front of the relief of the Mithraeum at Rozanec.

CIMRM 1481

Inscriptions of Rodine

D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / d(omino) P(ublius) P(ublii) Aelii Nepos et / Proculus et Firminus / pro salute sua suorumque.
Mithras invincible god / to the master Publius Publius Aelius Nepos and / Proculus and Firminus / for the safety of their people and their relatives.

Mithraeum of Rožanec

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