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Tauroctony marble from Mitreo Fagan

This sculpture of Mithras killing the bull was dedicated to the ’incomprehensible god’ by a certain priest called Gaius Valerius Heracles.
  • Tauroctonia del Mitreo Fagan, Ostia.

    Tauroctonia del Mitreo Fagan, Ostia. 

  • CIMRM 310

    CIMRM 310
    Vermaseren's Corpus 

The New Mithraeum
15 May 2007
Updated on Jan 2025

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Marble statue (H. 0.84 Br. 1.42), found ’at the entrance of the sanctuary’. Mus. Vaticana, Galleria Lapidaria XXXIII, 1. Mithras as a bullkiller. His flying cloak is adorned with seven stars around a crescent. The raven is seated on the bull’s tail, which ends in three ears. The dog with collar and the serpent with their heads near the wound; the scorpion in the usual place. On the lower border the inscription No. 311. End of the second cent. A.D.CIMRM 311CIL XIV 64; MMM II No. 138.Sig(num) indrepehensivilis dei / L(ucius) Sextius Karns et / C(aius) ValeriusHeracles sacerdos s(ua) p(ecun…

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