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Ara of the Mithraeum of Lugo

Victorius Victorious, centurion of the Legio VII, erected the altar in honour of the Lugo garrison and of the Victorius Secundus and Victor, his freedmen.
Granite altar dedicated to Mithras

Granite altar dedicated to Mithras
Museo Universitario A Domus do Mitreo 

The New Mithraeum
29 Apr 2010
Updated on Feb 2023

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During 2003 excavations made near the Plaza Pio XII in Lugo (ancient Lucus Augusti) revealed a house and an altar in granite with an inscription to Invictus Mithras. It was dedicated by a C. Victorius Victorinus, centurion of the Legio VII Gemina Antoniana Pia Felix, apparently in the early 3rd century. The inscription appeals for protection of the military garrison at Lugo ('Statio Lucensis') and his two freedmen, Victorius Secundus and Victorius Victor.

A correspondent writes that this is a unique example of a man of such high social status mentioning someone socially inferior within an

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Mitreo de Lugo

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