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Victorius Secundus

Slave of Gaius Victorius Victorinus

  • Granite altar dedicated to Mithras

    Granite altar dedicated to Mithras
    Museo Universitario A Domus do Mitreo 

  • Vista general del mitreo de Lugo.

    Vista general del mitreo de Lugo.
    The New Mithraeum / Andreu Abuín (CC BY-NC-SA) 

  • Vista general del mitreo de Lugo.

    Vista general del mitreo de Lugo.
    The New Mithraeum / Andreu Abuín (CC BY-NC-SA) 

of Victorius Secundus



Ara of the Mithraeum of Lugo

TNMM 189

Victorius Victorious, centurion of the Legio VII, erected the altar in honour of the Lugo garrison and of the Victorius Secundus and Victor, his freedmen.

Deo / Inuic(to) Mithrae / G(aius) Victorius Vic/torinus (centurio) L(egionis) VII G(emina) / Antonianiae P(iae) F(elicis) / in honorem sta/tionis lucensis / et Victoriorum / Secundi et Vic/toris lib(ertorum) suor/um aram po/suit libenti animo (hedera)
To the undefeated Mithras, Gaius Victorius Victorinus, centurion of Legio VII Gemina Antoniania Pia Felix in honor of the statio at Lucus Augusti and of the Victorius Secundus and Victor, his freedmen, placed this altar willingly.

Mitreo de Lugo


The exploration of an old pazo, a manor house, near the Roman wall, in Lugo, led to the discovery of a Roman domus, which existed continuously from the beginnings of the Christian Era until the Late Empire.

Mitreo de Lugo


The exploration of an old pazo, a manor house, near the Roman wall, in Lugo, led to the discovery of a Roman domus, which existed continuously from the beginnings of the Christian Era until the Late Empire.



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