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Cautopates of Sarmizegetusa with scorpion

The Cautopates with scorpion found in 1882 in Sarmizegetusa includes an inscription of a certain slave known as Synethus.
  • Cautopates by Synethus.

    Cautopates by Synethus.
    Muzeul Sarmizegetusa, Ortolf Harl 2010 

  • Cautopates by Synethus.

    Cautopates by Synethus.
    Szabo Csaba 2010 

The New Mithraeum
11 Mar 2022

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Statue in limestone (H. 0.91 with base; Br. 0.36 D. 0.17.).

Cautopates standing cross-legged. He holds a scorpion in his l.h. and the torch (now broken off), of which traces of red colour are still visible, in his r.h. The head and the lower part of the legs are lost. In the base an inscription.
Studniczka, 260 No. 1 and Pl. V; Kiraly, 27 No. 82 and Pl. VII, 1; MMM II 248 No. 140 and fig. 130a; RRS 139,4; Floca in ED 1935,219 fig. 4. See fig, 574.CIMRM 2121L.H. 0.03.

Cautopati sa(crum) / Synethus adiu[t(or)] / tabul(arii) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
CIL III S. 7922; MMM II No. …

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