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Account's assistant and slave, Synethus dedicated a Cautopates with a scorpion in Sarmizegetusa.

  • Cautopates by Synethus.

    Cautopates by Synethus.
    Muzeul Sarmizegetusa, Ortolf Harl 2010 

  • Plan of the sanctuary with the position of the small finds

    Plan of the sanctuary with the position of the small finds
    Csaba Szabó after Király 1886 

of Synethus


Cautopates of Sarmizegetusa with scorpion

TNMM 521

The Cautopates with scorpion found in 1882 in Sarmizegetusa includes an inscription of a certain slave known as Synethus.

Cautopati sa(crum) / Synethus adiu[t(or)] / tabul(arii) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
Dedicated to Cautopates. Synethus, the accountant's assistant, willingly and rightly fulfilled his vow.

Mithraeum of Sarmizegetusa


The large number of monuments found at the Mithraeum of Sarmizegetusa and the sheer size of the temple are unusual.



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