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Altar of Carnuntum by the Augusti and Caesares

Altar with Cautes and Cautopates dedicated to Sol Invictus Mithras as protector of the Tetrarchy in 3rd-century Carnuntum.
  • Altar of Carnuntum

    Altar of Carnuntum 

  • Left side, altar of Carnuntum

    Left side, altar of Carnuntum 

  • Right side, altar of Carnuntum

    Right side, altar of Carnuntum 

The New Mithraeum
12 Mar 2022
Updated on Jul 2024

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Altar (H. 1.50 Br. 0.60-0.87 D. 0.385-0.65) the inscription of which was copied for the first time by Pietro de Lama in 1795. Formerly in Graf Traun’s Castle, now in the Museum Carnuntinum.

The back of the altar is rough; its front bears the inscription No. 1698. On the left side Cautes standing, not cross-legged, with an upraised torch and with three ears in his l.h. On the other side Cautopates with torch downwards. In the top a hole and on the top of the front four small holes.

Hormayr Wien No. 229; Labus Ara Hainsb. 9; Arneth Meilensteine No. 15; Reichel in AEMO 1895 196; MMM II

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