Mithraeum III found in the west part of Petronell near Hintausried in August 1894 by J. Dell and C. Tragau.Finds are in the Museum Carnuntinum in Deutsch-Altenburg.From a pronaos (L. 8.50 Br. 8.50) one enters by means of a second room (L. 3.50 Br. 8.50) and of steps (now lost) the sanctuary proper (L. 23.00 Br. 8.50). Behind a sort of vestibulum (L 8.00) is the cella, which is divided into a corridor (Br. 4.00-4.50) and the two benches (H. 0.60 Br. 1.50-1.85 L. 15.00). The entrance to the cella is formed by two small walls which have been constructed against the front of the benches. The base …