Fragments of a Mithriac relief with Jupiter and Sol
These three fragments of carved marble depict Jupiter, Sol, Luna and a naked man wearing a Phrygian cap, with inscriptions calling Mithras Sanctus Dominum.
The New Mithraeum
3 Sep 2023
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MMM II 234f No. 71bis, b and fig. 66.
1) Standing, naked Jupiter, holding his sceptre in his l.h. and his thunderbolt in his r.h. He stands on a base, on which his chlamys lies. Beside him an eagle with his wings spread out, looking up to him. Before the base stands a naked youth in Phrygian cap, lifting a torch with his outstretched r.h.; in his outstretched l.h. a bird (cock?) is perched. In the field an inscr. No. 333, 1.
2) Sol, dressed only in a flying shoulder-cape, stands in a quadriga, urging on the horses with a whip. On his