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Tauroctony of Santa Prisca

Even if only a few fragments remain, it is very likely that the main niche of the Mitreo di Santa Prisca contained the usual representation of Mithras killing the bull.
Ocean-Saturn of Mitreo di Santa Prisca

Ocean-Saturn of Mitreo di Santa Prisca 

The New Mithraeum
30 Oct 2023

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On the main side of the niche, there certainly was a representation in stucco of Mithras, slaying the bull. Parts of the flying cloak and the frout part of the jumping dog are preserved. A gilded head (H. 0.25) in Phrygian cap and turned to the right may have belonged to this group (see fig. 132).

On the r. side of the niche, in stucco the front part of a foreshortened representation of Mithras with a white bull. The bull’s breast and neck and Mithras’ r.h. are preserved as well as the greater part of his flying cloak.

On the l. side of the niche there must have been a representation…

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