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Titus Martialius Candidus

Dedicated two altars to Cautes and Cautopates in Saalburg.

of Titus Martialius Candidus



Incriptions to the gods of East and West

TNMM 496

These two inscriptions by a certain Titus Martialius Candidus are dedicated to Cautes and Cautopates.

D(eo) Or(ienti) / T(itus) Mar/tial(i)us / Candi/dus v(otum) s(olvit) / l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).

D(eo) Oc(cidenti) / [T(itus)] Mar/[ti]al(i)us / Candi/dus v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
To the god of the East, Titus Martialius Candidus fulfilled his vow willingly, joyfully and justly.

To the god of the West, Titus Martialius Candidus has fulfilled his vow willingly, joyfully and justly.



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