Pater at Mainz.
of Primulus
- Primulus was a Pater of the Mithräum von Mainz.
- Active c. 151 – 230 in Mogontiacum, Germania superior (Gallia).
- Bricault; Roy (2021) Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain
- Eric Rebillard, Jorg Rupke (2015) Group Identity and Religious Individuality in Late Antiquity
- P. Herz (1978) Permittente Primulo patre, Journal of Mithraic Studies, II(2), p. 184-188
- Roger Pearse (2016) CIMRM Supplement - Mithraeum. Ballplatz, Mainz, Germany
Altar to Mithras and Mars of Mainz
TNMM 513
This altar has been unusually dedicated to both gods Mithras and Mars at Mogontiacum, present-day Mainz.
D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / et Marti / Secundini/us Amantius / cornicu(larius) / praef(ecti) leg(ionis) / XXII permi/ttente Pri/mulo patre / ex voto pos/uit l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
To the Unconquered Sun God Mithras and Mars. Secundinius Amantius, cornicularius to the prefect of the 22nd Legion, with the permission of Primulus the Pater, dedicates this willingly in fulfilment of a vow.
Mithräum von Mainz
TNMM 359
The Mithraeum of Mainz, was discovered outside the Roman legionary fortress. Unfortunately the site was destroyed without being recorded.
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