Aulus Gratius Iuvenis
Pater who dedicated an altar together with his bother in Bingium.
of Aulus Gratius Iuvenis
- Aulus Gratius Iuvenis was a Pater.
- Active c. 236 in Bingium, Germania superior (Gallia).
Altar with inscription of Bingen
TNMM 519
The monument was dedicated by two brothers, one of them being the Pater of his community.
In h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) / deo invicto / Mytrhe (sic!) ara/m ex voto dei / de suo impen/dio instituer(unt) / A(ulus) Gratius Iuven/is pater sacroru/m et A(ulus) Gratius Po/tens m(iles) l(egionis) XXII mat/rica[ri]us fratres / dedic[aver]unt co(n)s(ule) Afri(cano).
In honour of the divine house, to the invincible god Mithras, the altar, following a vow to the god, at their own expense, Aulus Gratius Iuvenis, Fathers of the Rites, and Aulus Gratius Potens, soldier of the XXII legion, fire officer, erected it. The brothers dedicated it when (Marcus Pupienus) Africanus was consul.
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