Titus Tettius Plotus
Pater Sacrorum and veteran of the Legio IV Flavia Felix.
of Titus Tettius Plotus
- Titus Tettius Plotus was a Pater.
- Active c. 1st half of 2nd century in Ulpia Oescus, Moesia inferior (Moesia).
- He served in the Legio IV Flavia Felix.
TNMP 210
The person who dedicated this altar, Titus Tettius Plotus, was a veteran of the legio IV which was, according to some sources [Ritterling (1925) Legio], relocated to the region near Oescus by the emperor Trajan (ruled 98-117 CE). If this assumption is correct, the inscription itself was, in all probability, made briefly after 110 CE. Richard Gordon, however, has expressed doubts about this early date because the inscription contains the title pater sacrorum, which is otherwise known only from the 3rd century CE. He also raises the possibility that Titus Tettius Plotus returned to Oescus much later after 110 CE from a different place, for example Singidunum (modern Beograd in Serbia), which served, from the first quarter of the 2nd century CE, as the winter station of the legio IV. The early dating is thus not absolutely certain and remains open to possible reassessment.
- Aleš Chalupa (2016) The Origins of the Roman Cult of Mithras in the Light of New Evidence and Interpretations: the Current State of Affairs
- Bricault; Roy (2021) Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar of Tettius Plotus from Oescus in EDH
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar of Tettius Plotus from Oescus in EDCS
Altar of Tettius Plotus from Oescus
TNMM 634
In the altar that Titus Tettius Plotus dedicated to the invincible God, he called himself pater sacrorum.
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