Sextus Vervicius Eutyches
Textile merchant from Augusta Treverorum and Pater of his community, he left testimony of his cult to Mithras in the 3rd century.
of Sextus Vervicius Eutyches
- Sextus Vervicius Eutyches was a Pater.
- Born in Augusta Treverorum, Belgica, Gallia.
- Active early 3rd century in Elusa, Aquitania (Gallia).
- He was a Vestiarius.
TNMP 257
Sextus Vervicius Eutyches, a citizen of Treveri (present-day Trier, Germany), resided in Elusa (present-day Eauze, France) during the late 2nd to early 3rd century AD. It seems reasonable to posit that his origins were in Greece and that he was freed by a citizen family of Celtic descent. It is known that Eutyches worked as a vestiarius, which would indicate his involvement in the textile or clothing trade.
His status within the local Mithraic community is corroborated by the title of Pater, which is substantiated by two marble inscriptions dedicated to Mithras. The quality of these inscriptions serves to highlight both the religious significance and the economic affluence attributed to Eutyches.
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Inscriptions of Eauze in EDCS
- V. J. Walters (1974) The Cult of Mithras in the Roman Provinces of Gaul
Inscriptions of Eauze
TNMM 750
Several inscriptions dedicated to Mithras have been found in Eauze, including these two by a certain Pater Sextus Vervicius Eutyches, discovered in 1768.
V/ervi/cius Eutyc/hes pa/ter.
Vervicius Eutyches, Pater.