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Marcus Aurelius Decimus

Governor of Numidia between 284 and 285, he dedicated several monuments in Numidia to Mithras and other gods.

  • Mithras altar from Ain-Zana

    Mithras altar from Ain-Zana
    iDAI objects / arachne 

  • Inscription by Decimus from Lambaesis

    Inscription by Decimus from Lambaesis

of Marcus Aurelius Decimus

  • Marcus Aurelius Decimus was a syndexios (probably a Pater).
  • Active c. 285 in Lambaesis, Numidia.
  • He was a vir perfectissimus.

TNMP 266

Marcus Aurelius Decimus was a prominent Roman official, vir perfectissimus, in the late 3rd century AD, serving as governor of Numidia around 284-285. He dedicated several monuments to various deities, including an altar to Sol Mithras, as well as to Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Sol Invictus, Hercules, Mars, Mercury and the Genius Loci, and to the Numen Imperatorum.



Altar from Ain-Zana

TNMM 775

This altar was dedicated by a certain Marcus Aurelius Decimus to Sol Mithras and other gods in Diana, Numibia, present Argelia.

Iovi optimo / maximo luno/ni reginae Min/ervae sanctae / Soli Mithrae / Herculi Mar/ti Mercurio / genio loci di/is deabusque / omnibus M/arcus Aureli/us Decimus v(ir) p(erfectissimus) p(raeses) / p(rovinciae) N(umidiae) ex principe
pe/regrinorum / votum solvit.
To Jupiter Optimus Maximus, to Juno Regina, to Minerva the Holy, to Sol Mithras, to Hercules, to Mars, to Mercury, to the genius of the place, to all the gods and goddesses, Marcus Aurelius Decimus, a man of perfect rank, governor of the province of Numidia, formerly a chief of foreigners, fulfilled his vow.

Inscription by Decimus from Lambaesis

TNMM 776

Slab found at Tazoult-Lambèse dedicated to the Unconquered god Sol Mithras by the governor of Numidia Marcus Aurelius Decimus.

Invicto deo Soli / Mithrae Decimus v(ir) p(erfectissimus) p(raeses) / p(rovinciae) Numidiae votum solvit / decentius feliciter.
To the invincible god Sol Mithras, Decimus, the most perfect man, governor of the province of Numidia, fulfilled his vow decently and happily.



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