Valerius Florus
Governor of Numidia in 303, vir perfectissimus Valerius Florus was a well-known persecutor of Christians.
of Valerius Florus
- Valerius Florus was a syndexios of the Mithraeum of Lambaesis and of the Mithraeum of Lambaesis.
- Active c. 303 in Lambaesis, Numidia.
TNMP 269
Governor of Numidia in 303, his authority extended over the Milev region, i.e. Numidia Cirtensis, and the plateau and limes region, probably including Tripolitania, i.e. Numidia M...
In Mdoukal, where the last mention of him was found, he is called praeses provinciae Numidiae. It is natural that in Timgad and especially in Lambaesis, the capital of the province, they wanted to be more precise. It is unfortunate, however, that the abbreviation N. M. does not solve the problem of the epithet Numidia: militaris for some, militiana for others.
It should come as no surprise that the persecutor of the Christians made a votum to Mithras, as the famous Rouffach inscription attests.
Alongside the aforementioned inscriptions from North Africa indicating support for the cult amongst the imperial government, we also have an inscription from the Lambaesis Mithraeum which refers to the governor of Numidia in AD 303, Valerius Florus. Given that this mithraeum was set next to a large fort, and earlier dedications indicate a close connection with soldiers stationed here, Florus’ dedication might also be seen in a similar light to those by the imperial government on the Danube, in an effort to maintain the loyalty of the soldiers stationed here.
The lack of any indication of Christian desecration at the Lambaesis Mithraeum is worth highlighting, as the governor who erected an altar to Mithras here in AD 303, Valerius Florus, was a known persecutor of the Christians. As such, one would expect this mithraeum to have attracted the anger of Christian iconoclasts perhaps more so than any other, yet there is nothing to suggest that it did. On Valerius Florus’ persecution of Christians, see CIL VIII 6700 = CIL VIII 19353.
- David Walsh (2018) The Cult of Mithras in Late Antiquity
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar by Florus from Lambaesis in EDH
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar by Florus from Lambaesis in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Inscription on Florus in EDH
- Marcel Le Glay (1954) Le Mithraeum de Lambèse
Altar by Florus from Lambaesis
TNMM 779
This altar, found in Tazoult تازولت, Algeria, was dedicated to the god Sol Mithras by a certain Florus.
Mithraeum of Lambaesis
TNMM 101
The Mithraeum of Tazoult / Lambèse is one of the best preserved Mithras’s temples in Africa.
Mithraeum of Lambaesis
TNMM 101
The Mithraeum of Tazoult / Lambèse is one of the best preserved Mithras’s temples in Africa.
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