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He travelled to Juliomagus and engraved vases to the undefeated Sun Mithras for his brothers.

  • Goblet of Angers

    Goblet of Angers

  • General view o the site where the Mithraeum of Angers has been found

    General view o the site where the Mithraeum of Angers has been found
    Hervé Paitier/Inrap 

  • General view o the site where the Mithraeum of Angers has been found

    General view o the site where the Mithraeum of Angers has been found
    Hervé Paitier/Inrap 

of Ambianicus


It is assumed that Ambianicus or Ambianinus went to Lezoux where he had a small vase made and engraved in his name before leaving it as an ex-voto at the mithraeum of the vicus, at the end of a trip made for professional or private reasons.


Goblet of Angers

TNMM 452

The spherical ceramic cup found at the Mithraeum in Angers bears an inscription to the unconquered god Mithras.

---]M [---]Deo[ inuic]to Mytrh[ae
]s Genialis ciues Ambian[in]us (or Ambian[ic]us) exuoto d[edit
frat]ribus, omni loco, [ N]ama!
--- To the unconquered god Mytrha, [...]s (? son of) Genialis, Ambian citizen, gave in accordance with his vow, for his brethren(, ) in all places [...]. Glory!

Mithréum d’Angers

TNMM 199

The Mithraeum or Angers contained numerous objects, including coins, oil lamps and a ceramic vessel engraved with a votive inscription to the invincible god Mithras.

Mithréum d’Angers

TNMM 199

The Mithraeum or Angers contained numerous objects, including coins, oil lamps and a ceramic vessel engraved with a votive inscription to the invincible god Mithras.



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