Gaius Rufius Virilis
He devoted an altar to his father, Pater Patrum of Vieu
of Gaius Rufius Virilis
- Gaius Rufius Virilis was a syndexios of the Mithréum de Valromey.
- Active early 3rd century in Venetonimagus, Lugdunensis (Gallia).
- Bricault, Veymers, Amoroso et al. (2021) The Mystery of Mithras. Exploring the heart of a Roman cult
Altar of Vieu
TNMM 456
This altar was dedicated by a son to his father, one of the few Patres Patrum recorded in the western provinces.
Dei i(nvicti) / M(ithrae) Patri Patru/m C(aio) Ru[t(io)] / Eutacto / C(aius) R(ufius) Viri/lis fil(ius).
Caius Rufius Virilis, his son, for Caius Rufius Euctatus, Pater Patrum of the invincible god Mithras.
Mithréum de Valromey
TNMM 295
This temple of Mithras has been discovered under the Church in Vieux-en-Val-Romey, in 1869.