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The New Mithraeum Database

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Your search gave 3 results.

  • Locus

    Ulpia Oescus

    Oescus, Palatiolon or Palatiolum was an important ancient city on the Danube river in Roman Moesia.
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Tettius Plotus from Oescus

    In the altar that Titus Tettius Plotus dedicated to the invincible God, he called himself pater sacrorum.

    TNMM634 – CIMRM 2252

    T(itus) Tettiu[s] / Plotu{u}[s] / vet(eranus) leg(ionis) II[II] / F(laviae) F(elix) p(ater) s(acrorum) d[ei] / Invicti [s(olvit)] / l(ibens) m(erito).
  • Syndexios

    Titus Tettius Plotus

    Pater Sacrorum and veteran of the Legio IV Flavia Felix.