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The New Mithraeum Database tagged with mithras-sol-in-quadriga

Mithraic monuments, temples and other objects related to Mithras and tagged with mithras-sol-in-quadriga.

Your search mithras-sol-in-quadriga gave 225 results.

  • Notitia

    Del mitraísmo a la masonería. Una historia de las ideas

    Doce siglos separan el ocaso del mitraísmo romano del alba de la masonería. Doce siglos durante los cuales, los misterios de Mitra han permanecido más secretos que nunca.
  • Syndexios


    Roman emperor of humble origin who reunited the Empire and repelled the pressure of barbarian invasions and internal revolts.
  • Video

    Reconstructing the Roman Mystery Religion of Mithras

    Our modern understanding of Mithraism, though, depends largely on a few short (and very problematic) literary mentions, mostly written by the cult’s Christian rivals.
  • Notitia

    From Mithraism to Freemasonry. A history of ideas

    Twelve centuries separate the decline of Roman Mithraism from the dawn of Freemasonry. Twelve centuries during which the mysteries of Mithras have remained more secret than ever.
  • Notitia

    Mitra en Hispania

    Con motivo del descubrimiento de un mitreo en Mitra en Cabra, charlamos con uno de los referentes del mitraísmo, Jaime Alvar. Con él, repasamos los testimonios hasta hoy conocidos y las especificidades del culto mitraico en Hispania.
  • Notitia

    Du Mithraïsme à la Franc-maçonnerie. Une histoire des idées

    Douze siècles séparent le déclin du Mithraïsme romain de l'aube de la Franc-maçonnerie. Douze siècles pendant lesquels les mystères de Mithra sont restés plus secrets que jamais.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Euhemerus from Alba Iulia

    Several authors read the name Suaemedus instead of Euhemerus as the author of this mithraic relief from Alba Iulia, Romania.

    TNMM663 – CIMRM 1975, 1976

    Deo invicto Mithr(a)e / Euhemerus ex voto / posuit.
  • Syndexios

    Gaius Valerius Heracles

    Pater and priest of the Fagan Mithtraeum with several monuments to his name.
  • Liber

    Images of Mithra (2017)

    With a history of use extending back to Vedic texts of the second millennium BC, derivations of the name Mithra appear in the Roman Empire, across Sasanian Persia, and in the Kushan Empire of southern Afghanistan and northern India during the first millen…
  • Liber

    Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia (2010)

    In Vergil’s Aeneid, the poet implies that those who have been initiated into mystery cults enjoy a blessed situation both in life and after death. This collection of essays brings new insight to the study of mystic cults in the ancient world, particular…