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Acta diurna

Daily Gazette

Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum.

Dec 2023

Avid Archaeologist

Nov 2023

University Student living in the Greater Toronto area. For any questions about the Anglo-Mithraic Society feel free to directly message me.

Nov 2023

Richard Gordon suggests the object on the Miles step is a bull’s hindquarter.
“In the light of the sacrificial scene on the altar of Flavius Aper (Poetovio), the interpretation as a bull’s hind-quarter rather than shoulder is to be preferred. The scene at Ostia is perfectly in keeping with other evidence suggest- ing that (junior) Mithraic grades fulfilled specific manual tasks within the cult, in the case of Miles, butchery of sacrificial animals.”
Gordon, R. 2013c. “The Miles-frame in the Mitreo di Felicissimo and the practicalities of sacrifice.” Religio: Revue Pro Religionistiku 21, no.1: 33–38.

Nov 2023

Born in Nijmegen (Ulpia Noviomagus), now retired in Sintra, Portugal.

Nov 2023

A.B. Candidate in Departments of History and Classics at Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH)

Nov 2023

Professeur d’histoire romaine à l’Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès.

Nov 2023

Catholic mystic. Currently working on the New Areopagus project. See me at West Nashville Phoenix #131

Salve Jack, interesting project, indeed! I guess you already know Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras by Carl A. P. Ruck. If not, it’s worth a read. Actually I could recommend yuo a few other books on that topic if you’d like...
Nov 2023
The New Mithraeum

Community dedicated to the study, disclosure and reenactment of the Mysteries of Mithras since 2004.

Nov 2023

Professor in New Testament and Early Christian Studies at the University of South Africa.

Nov 2023
Nov 2023

Art historian, curator, researcher, writer

Oct 2023


Oct 2023

Mithra dans les provinces occidentales de l’Empire romain : rencontre avec Philippe Roy

The New Mithraeum

Philippe Roy, docteur en Sciences de l’Antiquité, présente dans cette vidéo la réception du culte de Mithra dans les provinces occidentales de l’Empire romain.

Oct 2023

Italian visual artist

Oct 2023

Writer interested in ancient religions among many other things

Oct 2023
The New Mithraeum

Tomorrow at Centre Léon Robin, Paris, conference by Christelle Veillard on La bonne humeur du sage : affectivité et vertus stoïciennes. Do not miss if you can! More info: Centre Léon Robin de recherches sur la pensée antique - Cycle de conférences Léon Robin

Thumbs up
Oct 2023

Hello Gabriel,
the article you present on the relationship between the religion of the unconquered sun and 18th-century English Masonry notes the similarity of the (supposed) rituals. It is possible to draw attention to a few visual aspects:
- the followers face each other
- initiation was secret
- there are several levels of progression in the ritual
- temples are small and often private
- the temples are oriented according to the sun, and the place of the Pater (with his solar crown) is theoretically in the east (rising sun).
- In 1976, Richard Gordon showed that each Mithraic grade corresponded to a star, in particular the sun and the moon, and had a specific place in the lodge. Similarly, Masonry has retained references to the moon and the sun, and a specific place for each officer.
- Mithraism works according to the path of the souls in the rotating wheel of the Zodiac. Particularly the cycle of resurrection, Masons also venerate the 'Eternal East'. The Orthodox make...

Salve Dominique and thank you for all the additional parallels you mentioned. Since I wrote this little article, I have indeed found new examples here and there. Quite a fascinating subject, isn't it? I hadn't heard much about the links between Mithraism and Monachism, though. I have read about survivals of Mithraism in the Middle Ages. Certainly Richard Veymiers has written about it. I think there is even a filmed conference on the web where he explores the subject in depth, but I would love to know more about Monachism and Mithraism if you have more of it.
Sep 2023
Sep 2023

I am Rauf Mehdi (Mehdizadeh Kabuli). Former professor of engineering faculty of Kabul University and now director of Ariana Encyclopedia.

Jun 2023

hello friends , i am a Leo into my mitraeum of Pons Saravis ( Sarrebourg). I saw the fresco of Barberini mithreaum in Roma. I found it very Platonic

the blue line passes exactly through Cancer, and the yellow line is for the resurrection among the stars and passes through Capricorn.
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