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~There in fact the wise mares brought me~
A beautiful piece of art, which indeed seems to be quite inspired by the mithraic Aion. Thank you for sharing this
Interesting how even though we may confuse certain gods for ages, they remain somehow unique.
It is well known that Mithras was born from a rock. However, less has been written about the father of the solar god, and especially about how he conceived him.
Douze siècles séparent le déclin du Mithraïsme romain de l'aube de la Franc-maçonnerie. Douze siècles pendant lesquels les mystères de Mithra sont restés plus secrets que jamais.
Remarkable monument not only because it is the first sculpted representation of the entire Mithraic tauroctony, but also because of the arrangement of certain figures, such as Cautes and Cautopates, who, even without their heads, seem to hesitate about what they are supposed to do.
Un saludo fraternal a ti, Ricardo.
Gracias por compartir tu artículo, Roberto. Es difícil determinar en qué momento la masonería especulativa incluyó tantos aspectos de los misterios de Mitra, si fue desde el origen a través —como mencionas en tu escrito— de otras corrientes medievales que conservaron un saber más antiguo o durante su evolución en siglos posteriores, pero lo cierto es que cuesta creer que tantos paralelismos se deban al azar.
Pattie, you and I need to talk about those bits one of these days. I'd be glad to know more about them.
Gracias a ti, Alex. Me alegra que te resulte interesante.
Doce siglos separan el ocaso del mitraísmo romano del alba de la masonería. Doce siglos durante los cuales, los misterios de Mitra han permanecido más secretos que nunca.
Twelve centuries separate the decline of Roman Mithraism from the dawn of Freemasonry. Twelve centuries during which the mysteries of Mithras have remained more secret than ever.