Brothers active in Caesarea
Mithraic monuments of Caesarea
Column of Callimorphus
Callimorphus dedicated this image of the sun god to the invincible sun 'Mythra'.
Inscriptions of Caesarea
Solem / Soli invicto / Mythrae / pro salute et incolu/mitate / Chresimi Aug(ustorum) / n(ostrorum) dispensatoris / Callimorphus arkar/ius eiusdem / votum solvit / libens animo.
[This image of] Sun, to the Unconquered Sun Mithras, for the salvation and safety of Chresimus, the steward (dispensator) [of the domains] of our Emperors. Callimorphus, the arkarius (treasurer / donor) of the same [domains ?], fulfilled his vow with a willing spirit.
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Column of Callimorphus in EDCS