Brothers active in Asturica Augusta
Mithraic monuments of Asturica Augusta
Plaque of Astorga
This slab dedicated to the invincible god, Serapis and Isis by Claudius Zenobius was found in 1967 in the walls of the city of Astorga, Spain.
Inscriptions of Asturica Augusta
Invicto Deo / Serapidi et / Isidi / Cl(audius) Zenobius / Proc(urator) Aug(usti).
To the Unconquered God, to Serapis, and to Isis. Claudius Zenobius, Imperial Procurator.
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Plaque of Astorga in EDH
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Plaque of Astorga in EDCS
- Hispania Epigraphica. Plaque of Astorga in HE
- Juan Manuel Abascal (2023) Claudius Zenobius | Real Academia de la Historia
- Mitra en Hispania. Plaque of Astorga in MEH