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The New Mithraeum Database in Spain

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras. found or located in Spain.

Your search in Spain gave 78 results.

  • Mithraeum

    Casa del Mitreo

    The name of this domus comes from the fact that some authors once associated one of its mosaics with the cult of Mithras, a connection that has since been dismissed.


  • Monumentum

    Mitra de Cabra

    The Mithras of Cabra is the only full preserved Tauroctony sculpture found in Spain yet.

    TNMM136 – CIMRM 771

  • Socius

    Jaime Alvar Ezquerra

    Historiador experto en Historia Antigua y catedrático en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
  • Socius

    Israel Campos

    Scholar in Mithraic Studies
  • Socius

    María Teresa Juan Sanchis

    Soy Dra. en Filosofía y Letras por la Universidad de Alicante. He escrito un libro sobre Mitra denominado "Los templos del dios Mitra en el Imperio romano".
  • Socius

    Antonio Moreno Rosa

    In the picture I am sitting on the wall next to the one where the sculpture of Mithras was found in Cabra, Spain.
  • Socius

    Jorge Gallo

    IT freaky guy protected by Cautes and Cautopates (both at once), made in Barcelona, willing to engage with other guys or gals into the same trips.
  • Socius

    Lucía Parrilla

    Studying Science of Religions (UC3M). Mithraeum at Lucus Augusti, comparative religion and symbolism in general.
  • Socius

    Franzo Moss

    Interested in Mithras since 1990.
  • Socius

    Joaquin Talamante

  • Socius

    Hernani Dias

  • Mithraeum

    Cerro de San Albín

    Although the site at Cerro de San Albín is not a Mithraeum, archaeologists have found several monuments related to the cult of Mithras.

    TNMM29 – CIMRM 772

  • Monumentum

    Feast from Mérida

    This scene of a feast from Mérida shows three persons at a table with other people standing beside them, one holding a bull’s head on a plate.

    TNMM300 – CIMRM 782

  • Mithraeum

    Gran mitreo de Mérida

    Jaime Alvar speculates that the Gran Mitreo de Mérida could have been located in this area, based on a series of materials unearthed by Mélida during the excavations of 1926 and 1927.


  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo de la calle Espronceda

    The Mithraeum at Espronceda Street, in Merida, was discovered in 2000. It is a semi-subterranean temple.


  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo de Lugo

    The exploration of an old pazo, a manor house, near the Roman wall, in Lugo, led to the discovery of a Roman domus, which existed continuously from the beginnings of the Christian Era until the Late Empire.


  • Socius

    Jordi Bilbeny

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Benifayó

    This altar found in Benifaió, València, was erected by a slave called Lucanus.

    TNMM528 – CIMRM 807

    Invicto / Mithrae / Lucanus / Ser(vus).
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Gaius Iulius from Mérida

    The small Mithraic altar found at Cerro de San Albin, Merida, bears an inscription to the health of a certain Caius Iulius.

    TNMM427 – CIMRM 795

    Deo / Invicto / pro salute / Cai Iuli / […].
  • Monumentum

    Altar by Hector Corneliorum of Mérida

    This fragmented altar was found in two pieces that Ana Osorio Calvo has recently brought together.


    ... Invict[o Mithrae] / Hector Cornelior[um] / ex visu.
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