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Sentinum was an ancient town located in the Marche region of Italy.

Brothers active in Sentinum

Mithraic monuments of Sentinum


Album of Sentinum

This inscription reveals the names of 36 cultori of Sentinum, one of whom bears the title of pater leonum.



Inscription of two Gessius from Sentinum

Gessius Castus and Gessius Severus have placed a decorated stutue and left testimony on this inscription below.



Altar with inscription of Sentinum

This altar found in Sentinum bears an inscription from two brothers.




Fragment of a marble statue (H. 0.40 Br. 0.60), found at Sentino and walled in the atrium of the Palace Raccamadoro-Ramelli.




In the old Sentinum there certainly existed a Mithraeum.


Inscriptions of Sentinum

Cultores D(ei) S(olis) I(nvicti) Mithrae / patroni, prosedente C. Propertio Profuturo.

Coiedius Proculus / Ligurius Theodotus / Mussius Vindex / Coiedius Hilarianus / Sentin(as) pater leonum Ianuarius / Titius Castor / Pompe(i)us Pompeianus / Gessius Optabilis/ Ligurius Clementinus / Plotius Fortunatus / Licinius Faustus / Aetrius Romanus / Asinius Commodi[anus] / Visenn(ius) Quinqu[ennalis].

Pompon(ius) Victor / Statius Velox / Vassiden(us) Verus / Helvenat(ius) Celer / Carfan(ius) Achille(s) / Casidius Rufin(us) / Antist(ius) Benign(us) / Aetrius Irenaeus / Helven(atius) Semellin(us) / Sentin(as) Valentin(us) / lulius Victorin(us) / [Ca]ecil(ius) Sozo[n] / [---] Ve[---]d(---) / [---]t(---)

Rantif(anus) Verus / Caesoni(us) Dexter / Ianuarius Sent(inatium) / Aelius Ylas / Coied(ius) Pamphilus / Aduren(us) Theseus / Coied(ius) Auxa[n]on / menesterio / Sevio Felice.
The worshippers of the invincible god Sol Mithras to the patron president Caius Propertius Profuturus.
[list of 36 male names].
[and] the minister Sevius Felix.

Album of Sentinum

Dicatus V id(us) Sept(embres) Antonino aug(usto) II et sacerdote II co(n)s(ulibus)
N(umini) s(ancto) S(olis) i(nvicti) Mithrae / duo Gessi Castus / et Severus simu/lacrum exoma/tum voto posu/erunt.
Prosedente C. Propertio Augurino sacerd(ote).
Dedicated on the 5th of the ides of September, Antoninus Augustus and (Quintus Tineius) Sacerdos being consuls for the second time.
To the pure numen of invincible Sol Mithras. Gessius Castus and Gessius Severus placed the decorated statue after a vow.
Under the presidency of Caius Propertius Augurinus, priest.

Inscription of two Gessius from Sentinum

Invicto / prosedente / Sevio Facundo / Umbri / Rufinus et / Aemilianus / leones.
To the Unconquered [god], the leones Umbrius Rufinus and Umbrius Aemilianus [set up] under the office of Sevius Facundus.

Altar with inscription of Sentinum


  • Bricault; Roy (2021) Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain
  • Jeffrey Adam Easton (2019) Rising from below: The families of Roman municipal freedmen and social mobility in the Roman Empire
  • Vittoria Canciani (2022) Archaeological Evidence of the Cult of Mithras in Ancient Italy
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