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Inscription on a leonteum of Umbria

This plaque from Carsulae, in Umbria, refers to the creation of a leonteum erected by the lions at their own expense.
Plaque from Umbria

Plaque from Umbria
Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain 

The New Mithraeum
2 Feb 2022
Updated on Sep 2023

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This monument was found broken into several joined fragments, inserted into the foundations of a wall in the ancient city of Carsulae. It mentions that ten lions financed the construction of a leonteum, which is assumed to be a cult space reserved for initiates of their rank, rather than a denomination of the mithreum itself. This is the only attestation of a building that would be specific to a group of initiates in the cults of Mithra (cf. however the mention of a leonteum in Hermoupolis, Egypt, a place of unconfirmed Mithraic character).

The sum of 5,000 sesterces, to which the


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