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Egnatius Reparatus

Lion and legitimate priest of Carsulae.

  • Plaque from Umbria

    Plaque from Umbria
    Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain 

of Egnatius Reparatus

TNMP 103

Egnatius Reparatus, besides being sacerdos legitimus, is also collator de sestertiis V milibus nummum offered by nine leones. Everyone contributes to the making of the leonteum, with statue and accessories, consummati, perfected (rather than simply consecrated) by Egnatius Reparatus himself, clearly their spiritual guide.

Egnatius, probably reparatus thanks to the spiritual iter undertaken, does nothing that has not been allowed by the public authorities first (the decurions); and con- sequently the place of worship is created ex permissu sanctissimi ordinis.



Inscription on a leonteum of Umbria

TNMM 483

This plaque from Carsulae, in Umbria, refers to the creation of a leonteum erected by the lions at their own expense.

Leonteum cum signo et cetero cultu exornatum / ex permissu sanctissimi ordinis ex pec(unia) sua / a solo fecerunt leones, consummati ab Egnatio Re/parato sacerdote legit(imo) et collatore, T(itus) Lepidius Ho/norinus Alexander et Amicus circ(itores) Aug(usti) n(ostri), L(ucii duo) Vicri(i) Severus / et Speratus, T(itus) Satronius Sabinianus, P(ublius) Vatinius Tustus, L(ucius) Tulius / Felix, L(ucius) Longinius Stachys faber de (sestertiis quinque) m(ilibus) n(ummum). L(ocus) d(atus) d(ecurionum) d(ecreto).
The leonteum, adorned with a statue and other cultic elements, with the permission of the most sacred municipal ordo, the Lions erected it at their own expense from the ground, they who were initiated (consummati) by Egnatius Reparatus, legitimate priest (legitimus) and contributor: Titus Lepidius Honorinus, Alexander and Amicus, imperial (slaves), guardians, the two Lucii Vicrii, Severus and Speratus, Titus Satronius Sabinianus, Publius Vatinius Iustus, Lucius Tulius Felix, Lucius Longinius Stachys, craftsman, for a sum of 5,000 sesterces. Location given by decree of the decurions.

Mitreo di Carsulae

TNMM 485

Epigraphic monuments reveal the presence of a Mithraeum in the ancient municiple of Carsulae, in Umbria.



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