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Mitreo di Carsulae

Epigraphic monuments reveal the presence of a Mithraeum in the ancient municiple of Carsulae, in Umbria.
  • Plaque from Umbria

    Plaque from Umbria
    Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain 

  • Plaque on the restauration of Umbria Mithraeum

    Plaque on the restauration of Umbria Mithraeum

The New Mithraeum
2 Feb 2022
Updated on Sep 2023

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Carsulae was a settlement on the Via Famina. It became a municipio in the Augustan period. It was a flourishing town for a long time, as evidenced by its ruins, but was hit hard by several earthquakes, including a major one around 250. The city was abandoned, probably in the second half of the 3rd century, and has never been rebuilt since.

Unfortunately, location of the Mithraeum remains totally unknown, maybe Casuentum or Carsulae; the former town has not yet been located and the latter has notoriously been hit by significant underground instability also due to major seismic activity. …

Related monuments

Inscription on a leonteum of Umbria

This plaque from Carsulae, in Umbria, refers to the creation of a leonteum erected by the lions at their own expense.

Inscription on restauration of the Mitreo de Carsulae

Marble plaque with inscription of a sacerdos probatus to Sol and the god Invictus Mithras.

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