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Tiberius Claudius Romanius

Veteran from Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (Köln) who erected an inscritiption to Mithras and his ally Sol.

  • Votive inscription dedicated to Mithras by Tiberius Claudius Romanius

    Votive inscription dedicated to Mithras by Tiberius Claudius Romanius
    Carole Raddato 

of Tiberius Claudius Romanius


Inscription to Mithras by Claudius Romanius from Köln

TNMM 559

Votive inscription dedicated to Mithras by the veteran soldier Tiberius Claudius Romanius, from the Mithraeum II Köln, 3rd century.

D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) S(oli) s(ocio) / Tiberius Cl(audius) / Romaniu[s] / veteranu[s] / l(ibens) m(erito).
To the invincible sun god Mithras, ally of sol, Tiberius Claudius Romanius, veteran, willingly and deservedly.

Mithräum II von Köln

TNMM 353

A second Mithraeum was found in Cologne described by R. L. Grodon as of ’small importance’.



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