Brothers active in Colonia
Mithraic monuments of Colonia
Mithräum I von Köln
The Mithraeum I of Cologne is situated amid a block of buildings. It was impossible to narrowly determine its construction and lay-out.
CIMRM 1018
Mithräum II von Köln
A second Mithraeum was found in Cologne described by R. L. Grodon as of ’small importance’.
Cultic mithraic vase of Zeughausstraße
The Mithraic vase from Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium in Germany includes Sol-Mithras between Cautes and Cautopates, as well as a serpent, a lion and seven stars.
CIMRM 1020
Inscription to Mithras by Claudius Romanius from Köln
Votive inscription dedicated to Mithras by the veteran soldier Tiberius Claudius Romanius, from the Mithraeum II Köln, 3rd century.
Inscription of Cimber and Exsocho from Cologne
This monument with an inscription by two individuals was found in the first mithraeum of Cologne, Germany.
CIMRM 1021
Head of Mithras of Cologne
This marble head of Mithras was found in the Luxemburgerstrasze in Cologne, Germany.
CIMRM 1022
Petrogeny with a sheaf of wheat of Cologne
In this relief of the rock birth of Mithras, the child sun god holds a bundle of wheat in his left hand instead of the usual torch.
Altar to Semele from Cologne
This sandstone altar found in Cologne bears an inscription to the goddess Semele and her sisters.
CIMRM 1027
Inscriptions of Colonia
Inscription to Mithras by Claudius Romanius from Köln
{H}Ave / Cimber es(sedarius) et / Pietas Exsocho / essed(ario) sodali / [be]ne merenti / [pos]uit(!) val(e) // Cor(a)x.
Cor(a)x // Have / Cimber es(sedarius) et / Pietas Exsocho(!) / essed(ario) sodali / [be]ne merent[i] / [pos]uit(!) val(e).
Inscription of Cimber and Exsocho from Cologne
- Bassir Amiri (2005) De la différenciation à l’intégration : bene tnerens dans les épitaphes des Germanies
- Bricault, Veymers, Amoroso et al. (2021) The Mystery of Mithras. Exploring the heart of a Roman cult
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar to Semele from Cologne in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Inscription of Cimber and Exsocho from Cologne in EDH
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar to Semele from Cologne in EDCS
- Luciano Lazzaro (1993) Esclaves et affranchis en Belgique et Germanies romaines d’après les sources épigraphiques
- CIMRM Supplement - Mithraeum II. Köln, Germany