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Freedman from Greek-speaking origin who dedicated an altar to the invincible Mythra.

  • Altar of Chrestion from Apulum

    Altar of Chrestion from Apulum / Ortolf Harl 

of Chrestion

TNMP 234

Chrestion and Dioscorus are liberti from the Greek-speaking part of the Empire, who were probably actively involved in the commercial life of the conurbation.

Chrestion is strongly linked to Dioscorus not only because of the Greek name, but also thanks to the altar dedicated to Mithras which surely comes from the same workshop, having a corresponding epigraphic style, the name of Mithras is identical in both (Mythra) and they were both discovered in 1852, probably in the same archaeological context. The altar is decorated with symbolic representations on the sides, urceus (on the left) and a patera



Altar of Chrestion from Alba Iulia

TNMM 666

In 1852, Károly Pap, a naval captain, unearthed several Mithraic monuments in his garden at Marospartos, including this altar.

Invicto / Mythir/ae Chr/estion / v(otum) s(olvit).
To the invincible Mythra, Chrestion has fulfilled his vow.



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