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Municipium Septimium Apulense

Apulum, now within Alba Iulia, was a Roman settlement first mentioned by the mathematician, astrologer and geographer Ptolemy. Its name comes from the Dacian Apoulon.

Mithraic monuments of Apulum


Column of Dioscorus from Alba Iulia

This is one of the at least three inscriptions of Dioscorus, servant of Marcus to Mithras Invictus found in Alba Iulia, Romania.


Mithras riding the bull

Altar depicting the god Mithras or Cautes on a bull.

CIMRM 2186


Mithras Petrogenitus of Alba Iulia

Mithras born from the rock with a snake raising in coils around it.

CIMRM 1991


Mithraic stele from Alba Iulia

Mithraic stele, from Alba Iulia, Romania, with inscription.

CIMRM 1937


Tauroctony relief of Alba Iulia

The relief of Mithra slaying the bull from Apulum, Romania, has been missing until the scholar Csaba Szabó identified it in the diposit of the Arad Museum.

CIMRM 1938


Tauroctony relief from Alba Iulia

This marble relief from Alba Iulia contains numerous scenes from the myth of Mithras.

CIMRM 1958


Altar by Valerius Maximianus from Apulum

This monument bears an inscription to Mithras by a well-known general of the Roman Empire.

CIMRM 1950


Tauroctony of Ulpius Linus from Apulum

This relief of Mithras killing the bull was dedicated by the bearer of the imperial standard of Legio XIII Gemina, Marcus Ulpius Linus.

CIMRM 1955


Tauroctony of Euthices from Apulum

This marble relief of Mithras killing the bull was made by a freedman who dedicated it to his old masters.

CIMRM 1935


Altar of Nummius Amandus from Alba Iulia

This altar dedicated to the Invincible Sol Mithra was found in 1878 in a cemetery in Alba Iulia.

CIMRM 1951


Tauroctony of Euhemerus from Alba Iulia

Several authors read the name Suaemedus instead of Euhemerus as the author of this mithraic relief from Alba Iulia, Romania.

CIMRM 1975


Tauroctony of Alba Iulia with collared dog

This relief of Mithras killing the bull from Apulum, now Alba Iulia, Romania, contains several scenes from the Mithras legend.

CIMRM 1972


Altar of Dioscorus from Alba Iulia

In 1852, Károly Pap, a naval captain, unearthed several Mithraic monuments in his garden at Marospartos, including this altar.

CIMRM 1942


Altar of Chrestion from Alba Iulia

In 1852, Károly Pap, a naval captain, unearthed several Mithraic monuments in his garden at Marospartos, including this altar.

CIMRM 1945


Tauroctony of Aurelios Stephanos from Sibiu

This relief of Mithras killing the bull is unique in the Apulum Mithraic repertoire because of its inscription in Greek.

CIMRM 2002


Inscription of Dioscorus

One of the three known inscriptions of Dioscorus, servant of Marci, found in Alba Iulia, Romania.


Altar of Sextus Syntrophus

This altar to Invictus Mythra (sic) was found in 1867 in ancient Maros Portum, now Sighișoara, Romania.

CIMRM 1939


Taurcotony of Secundinus

This remarkable marble statue of Mithras killing the bull from Apulum includes a unique dedication by its donor, featuring the rare term signum, seldom found in Mithraic contexts.

CIMRM 1947


Tauroctony relief from Apulum

This relief of Mithras killing the bull includes various singular features specific to the Danubian area.

CIMRM 1973

Inscriptions of Apulum

Invicto / Mythrae / Diosco/rus Marci / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
To the Invincible Mithras, Dioscorus, servant of Marcus, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow.

Column of Dioscorus from Alba Iulia

D(eo) S(oli) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / pro salute inc/o{t}lumitate M(arci) Aur(eli) / Timotei et Aur(eli) M/aximi votum nun/cupavit solvitque / Euthyces eorum lib(ertus) / retulit.
To the invincible god Sol Mithras, [for the salvation and conser]vation of Marcus Aurelius Thimotheus and Marcus Aurelius Maximus, Euthyc(h)es, their freedman, [solemnly made a vow] and fulfilled it.

Mithraic stele from Alba Iulia

D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) T(itus) Aur(elius) F(abia) (tribu) Marcus vet(eranus) leg(ionis) XIII g(eminae).
To the invincible god Mithras, Titus Aurelius Marcus, a member of the Fabia tribe, veteran of the legion XIII Gemina.

Tauroctony relief from Alba Iulia

[Soli ? or Deo ?] invicto / Mitrae / M(arcus) Val(erius) Maxi/mianus / leg(atus) Aug(usti) / v(otum) s(olvit).
To Sol invincible Mithras, Marcus Valerius Maximianus, imperial legate, has fulfilled his vow.

Altar by Valerius Maximianus from Apulum

[-?-] M. Ulp(ius) Linus imag(inifer) l(egionis) XIII G(eminae).
Marcus Ulpius Linus, bearer of the imperial standard of Legio XIII Gemina.

Tauroctony of Ulpius Linus from Apulum

D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / [pro salute et incolumi]tate M. Aurelii Timothei et Aur(elii) Maximii / [votum nuncupavit sol]vitq(ue) Euthices eorum l[ib(ertus)].
To the Unconquered Sun God Mithras, for the safety and well-being of M. Aurelius Timotheus and Aurelius Maximus. Euthices, their freedman, has made and paid his vow.

Tauroctony of Euthices from Apulum

Soli i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / C(aius) Nummius / Amandus / qui et / templum.
To the Invincible Sol Mithras, Caius Nummius Amandus (made) this and the temple.

Altar of Nummius Amandus from Alba Iulia

Deo invicto Mithr(a)e / Euhemerus ex voto / posuit.
The invincible god Mithras, Euhemerus put by a vow.

Tauroctony of Euhemerus from Alba Iulia

Invicto / Mythrae / Diosco/rus Marci (servus) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
To the Invincible Mithras, Dioscorus, servant of Marcus, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow.

Altar of Dioscorus from Alba Iulia

Invicto / Mythir/ae Chr/estion / v(otum) s(olvit).
To the invincible Mythra, Chrestion has fulfilled his vow.

Altar of Chrestion from Alba Iulia

Αὐρήλι(ο)ς Στέφανος θεῷ Μίθρᾳ / εὐχαριστήρι(ο)ν.
Aurelios Stephanos, to the god Mithras, in gratitude.

Tauroctony of Aurelios Stephanos from Sibiu

Invicto / Mythrae / Diosco/rus Marci / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
To the Invincible Mithras, Dioscorus, servant of Marcus, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow.

Inscription of Dioscorus

Invict[o] / Mythra[e] / Sex(tus) Syntr/ofus v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens).
Invictus Mithras, Sextus Syntrophus willingly fulfilled his vow.

Altar of Sextus Syntrophus

------] I(nvicto) M(ithrae) · SIGNVM / ------ Sec]VNDINVS · EX · VOTO · POS(uit).
To the Invincible Mithras, the statue (signum) was placed by Secundinus as a fulfillment of a vow.

Taurcotony of Secundinus


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